002. Mission Statement (Or Something)

11 augustus 2021


Ok, I think I want to push this through. I have this 'novelty' excitement, you know? I can at least follow this idea and see where it goes.

I'd like to connect people to weird music. I'd like to connect cultures to each other. I'd like to foster understanding and empathy.

Music, the great communicator. You will be my tool.

So, I'd like to reach as much people as possible. Livestreaming or radio directly spring to mind, but these are not individual enough. It seems from this that I do want to operate in a niche.

My biggest contender anyway might be Spotify Radio. The main complaint with this is that it tends to keep people in their own bubble. How do you break a subculture out of its bubble? Do I cater to a specific group, and try to branch out from that based on things they have in common? This is relatively easy for my own niche, which I'm not sure I can define clearly, but will be harder for other niches. Maybe, just start with myself. My little friend group for example.

So, ok. I can't compete with Spotify discover. However, I generally dig something if someone I know shares it with me, or talks about it with a lot of passion. This is something spotify can't do. It's a sea of possibilities without pointing to anything specific. I can't offer this. I can offer a specific niche of the industry, with a short blurp of why I like it.

Maybe there's no real need for this. Or, this is the initial pushback on the idea. Push through man.

I want this to be truly functional though. Every person has an artist they like. I want to be that middle man. What's the best way to tell people about good shit? First up, it needs to look good as hell. It needs to be fun, short and to the point where talking or blurbs are concerned. Just let the music do the talking. I'm not interested in artist interviews or huge context explaining shit. I'm a person, I want music, quick. Good fonts, nice photos. Not too design intense. Lot's of whitespace. What kind of music? Well. So, my niches are in groove music, folk, jazz and classical a bit, indie, weird electronic shit.

I can start with my five main spotify playlists: Zone, Spirit, Fire, Primary and Wood. These playlists are made for contexts. Home situation, studying. I'd like to have one too with very disperate songs. Something truly for exploration. Gold nuggets. Perhaps I can also do a monthly thing. I don't necissarily want to do newest of new things - I mean you know me. But I don't want to exclude it either. New/Old. Das wat I like!

Ok, this might actually be something. Now, how do I distribute this? I like the idea of a zine, but that is hugely unpractical. Entré, l'internet. Perhaps I can do a digital zine. It must be easy as fuck to use, and look beautiful as hell. I want to foster people to do their own digging. Dig?

But honestly, I find that most pleasure is in the digging. Oo. ok. Maybe that's my thing. Digital digging.

I hate the idea of a lifestyle brand, but- no. I don't want to push my own interests on others. Can this be something else? I should steal something from a couple centuries ago.

I feel that I'm scared to step on anyone toes. Pain is growth though right? There is a difference between harm and truth.

Ok. Well- I'm now thinking what audience I should serve. I enjoy these weird beautiful corners of magazines, music, and all, but I think I'd rather pull that niche to normal people - make the masses more weird. That'll be an uphill battle for sure. It's slowly guiding people into their own weirdness.

Is obscure the highest good? Not necessarily, but it is in my book. I want people to be attentive to their own wants, and be concious about their own desires. There is so much good shit out there. We need to break out of our bubbles. All "we's" are replacable with "I".

Hm. Weird for the masses. Who knows the masses are even in need of weird? Shouldn't this be highly personal? Hmm, so many questions. I've got to go, I need to get vaccinated.

Let's hope all goes well.

The Place You Came From P.M.